Monday, March 19, 2007

IRST & Missile warning system & Gerfaut helmet-mounted display


IRST (Infra Red Search and Track) are passive infrared surveillance systems, allowing automatic detection and multitarget tracking on modern fighter aircrafts. Compared to radars, they are fully passive and insure a complete stealthiness of the aircraft.

Thus, Rafale aircraft is fitted with Front Sector Optronics (FSO), multi-spectral (IR and TV) equipment, in which the IR Surveillance and Imagery channel is developed by Sagem Défense Sécurité. The IR Surveillance and Imagery channel implement sophisticated processing algorithms for automatic detection and tracking of aerial threats and ground targets, providing the mission system with data allowing the operation of aircraft weapons.

Missile warning system

Sagem Défense Sécurité has developed the SAMIR system to protect fighter planes. Several hundred products have been delivered to equip Mirage 2000 and Rafale aircraft.

The SAMIR system consists of two infrared sensors mounted on either side of the Rafale's tail fin. Each sensor is a wide-field imager which is passive and therefore discreet. Radiometric and time-based algorithms enable missiles that represent a threat to the outfitted aircraft to be detected with a very low false alert rate. Information provided by SAMIR enables decoy/jamming tactics to be employed.

Gerfaut helmet-mounted display

This equipment is developed by Sagem Défense Sécurité for the Rafale and can be adapted to any other aircraft. It is mainly used for air-to-air close-combat missions. It enables the target to be located by measuring the position of the pilot's head when facing the target. The position of the helmet is obtained in real time using optronic techniques (diodes on the helmet and micro-cameras in the cockpit).

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