Monday, March 19, 2007

The Dassault Rafale

v1.0.2 / 01 nov 06 / greg goebel / public domain

* In the final years of the Cold War, in the belief that the USSR was developing improved fighter aircraft, a number of Western nations began their own efforts to develop advanced "fourth generation" fighters to counter the Soviet threat.

The French entry into this field was the Dassault "Rafale". Although the collapse of the Soviet Union meant that the threat the Western fourth-generation fighters were built to face didn't materialize, air forces still need improved fighters to replace aging existing aircraft, and the Rafale is now going into service. This document provides a history and description of the Rafale.



* Different Western nations had slightly different specific motives for developing a fourth-generation fighter. In the late 1970s, the Armee de l'Air (AdA, the French air force) was already fielding their new Dassault Mirage 2000 multirole fighter, and was considering a next-generation successor. The AdA also was faced over the next two decades with the obsolescence of many of their current first-line aircraft, including the Dassault Mirage III, 5 and F1 fighters; the Dassault Mirage IV bomber; and particularly the SEPECAT Jaguar strike aircraft. The AdA requirement for a replacement emerged as the "Avion de Combat Tactique (ACT / Tactical Combat Aircraft)".

Similarly, the Aeronavale (the French naval air arm) needed a replacement for their Dassault Etendard and Super Etendard strike aircraft, and in particular their US-built Vought F-8 Crusader fighters. The Aeronavale requirement emerged as the "Avion de Combat Marine (ACM / Naval Combat Aircraft).

There were many areas of convergence between the AdA and Aeronavale requirements, and so the two services were able to agree to develop a single multirole fighter to meet their needs. This agreement emerged in the form of a requirement for a demonstrator, designated the "Avion de Combat Experimental (ACX / Experimental Combat Aircraft)", as a first step towards an operational aircraft. The ACX requirement specified an aircraft with a weight of about 9 tonnes (10 tons) that could carry at least six air-to-air missiles (AAMs) in the air combat role, and up to 3,500 kilograms (7,715 pounds) of ordnance over a combat radius of 650 kilometers (405 miles) in the attack role. This would turn out to be a relatively modest specification compared to the aircraft that finally emerged.

Dassault was authorized to begin full development of an ACX demonstrator in early 1983, naming the machine the "Rafale (Squall)", while SNECMA began work on a new afterburning turbofan for the ACX, the "M88". Two Rafale demonstrators were actually specified at the outset, but the order was later cut to one.

There were discussions with other potential European partners before and after this decision, but the French were insistent on developing a machine tailored to their own requirements, with France firmly in the driver's seat, and were not inclined to compromise. Their position was a "nonstarter" and the British, Germans, Italians, and Spanish moved off in 1985 to develop their own fourth generation fighter, the "EuroFighter", in parallel with the Rafale. The French went it almost completely alone in building the Rafale, not even leveraging major subsystems off of foreign technology, as the Swedes did with their Gripen fourth-generation fighter.

* Dassault began work on a "Rafale A" technology demonstrator effort in March 1984, with the machine rolled out on 14 December 1985. It was a sleek, single-seat, canard delta machine, fitted with two General Electric F404-GE-400 afterburning turbofans as used by the US F-18 Hornet, since the SNECMA M88 was not ready at that time. The demonstrator performed its first flight on 4 July 1986. It exceeded Mach 1.3 on its first flight and Mach 1.8 a few days later. The Rafale A made its first formal public debut in September 1986. The demonstrator's capabilities were impressive enough to encourage the French Ministry of Defense to place a production order for the Rafale in April 1988.

The Rafale A continued to perform test flights in support of the development program. Although not capable of carrier operations, its flight test program included approaches and "touch and go" landings on the carriers CLEMENCEAU and FOCH to see if the design had any inherent "show stoppers" for carrier operations. As it turned out, the Rafale A's approach speed was even lower than that of the Super Etendard or the Crusader.

In May 1990, the Rafale A was refitted with one SNECMA M88 afterburning turbofan, intended for production Rafales, replacing the left-side GE F404. The Rafale A was finally retired in 1994, with prototypes for operational Rafales taking its place in the flight test program. The Rafale A ended up on display at EPNER, the French test pilot school in Istres, but was later moved to the Dassault plant at Saint-Cloud. It remained on display there until the local authorities claimed that it was causing an unusual number of traffic accidents on the road outside the plant. Dassault was forced to remove it.

* The production order envisioned three versions of the Rafale:

  • The single-seat "Rafale C" for the AdA, where "C" stood for "Chasseur / Fighter".

  • The two-seat "Rafale B" for the AdA, where "B" stood for "Biplace".

  • The single-seat "Rafale M" for the Aeronavale, where "M" stood for "Marine". Although it wasn't specified at the outset, the Aeronavale also later decided to obtain a two-seat "Rafale BM".

Due to the defense shufflings that followed the end of the Cold War, the Rafale program encountered repeated delays but still managed to go forward. The black-painted "C01" prototype of the Rafale C performed its first flight in May 1991. Although two Rafale C prototypes had been planned, the second was judged redundant, but two prototypes, numbers "M01" and "M02", were built for the Rafale M. M01 took to the air in December 1991 and M02 followed in November 1993. The prototype for the Rafale B two-seater, "B01", performed its initial flight in April 1993, before the flight of M02.

M01 took a trip to the US in the summer of 1992 to perform initial carrier catapult trials at a land-based facility at US Naval Air Station Lakehurst in New Jersey, Europe having no comparable facility. M01 performed its first true carrier landing, on the FOCH, in April 1993.



* The Rafale C defines a baseline configuration for the Rafale family. The remarks below apply to the Rafale C, and are followed by descriptions of the other variants and their differences from the Rafale C.

The production Rafale has essentially the same general configuration as the Rafale A, but is slightly smaller. It also features changes to reduce its "radar cross section (RCS)", such as improved airframe contours, use of "radar absorbing material (RAM)", and a gold-plated canopy. In fact, for a time in the early 1990s, Dassault advertised the type as the "Rafale D", where "D" stood for "Discreet", to emphasize its semi-stealthy nature.

The Rafale also features much more use of composite materials than the Rafale A, which reduced both the aircraft's RCS and weight. It it relatively small for a twin-engine fighter, with a empty weight about 1,360 kilograms (3,000 pounds) greater than that of a single-engine F-16C and a maximum takeoff weight about 4,535 kilograms (10,000 pounds) greater.

The Rafale is powered by two SNECMA M88-2 turbofans, with 50 kN (5,100 kgp / 11,240 lbf) dry thrust and 75 kN (7,645 kgp / 16,860 lbf) afterburning thrust each, and fitted with "full authority digital engine controls (FADEC)". The engine inlets are fixed. The engines are started by a Microturbo auxiliary power unit (APU), which also provides ground power for aircraft systems. The M88-2 is designed powerful, reliable, and easy to maintain, with a modular configuration that makes it relatively simple to swap out subassemblies. SNECMA is working on an uprated M88-3, which would have 90 kN (9,175 kgp / 20,233 lbf) afterburning thrust. The Rafale will require larger engine intakes for the M88-3, but new intakes can be retrofitted to older aircraft with little difficulty.

The Rafale features a compound-sweep low-mounted main wing, and all-moving high-mounted canard foreplanes mounted just behind the cockpit. The wing has full-span elevons and leading edge slats. There is an airbrake on either side of the fuselage, just forward of the tail.

The Rafale is aerodynamically unstable to provide agility, and the machine features a digital "fly-by-wire (FBW)" system to keep it flying right. The fighter also has excellent short-field capabilities. A brake parachute is fitted in a fairing below the tailfin.

The aircraft has a fixed, removable inflight refueling probe mounted on the upper right side of the nose, and tricycle landing gear. The nose gear has twin wheels and retracts backward, while the main gear have single wheels and hinge in the wings toward the fuselage. The Rafale is designed to be reliable and easy to maintain under austere field conditions.

_____________________ _________________ _______________________

spec metric english
_____________________ _________________ _______________________

wingspan 10.90 meters 35 feet 9 inches
wing area 46.0 sq_meters 495.16 sq_feet
length 15.30 meters 50 feet 2 inches
height 5.34 meters 17 feet 6 inches

empty weight 9,060 kilograms 19,975 pounds
MTO weight 19,500 kilograms 42,990 pounds

max speed 2,130 KPH 1,325 MPH / 1,150 KT
combat radius 1,095 KM 680 MI / 590 NMI
_____________________ _________________ _______________________

* The Rafale is fitted with a single 30 millimeter GIAT 791B cannon, mounted on the right engine duct. The GIAT 791B has a cyclic rate of fire of 2,500 rounds per minute, and the fighter carries an ammunition store of 125 rounds.

The Rafale features 14 external stores attachments, including wingtip rails for "dogfighting" AAMs, as well as for airshow smoke generators; three stores pylons under each wing; fore and aft conformal stations for AAMs on each side of the fuselage; and fore and aft centerline pylons. Total external warload capacity is 9,500 kilograms (20,925 pounds). Possible AAM loads include the proven Matra / BAE Dynamics Magic heat-seeking AAM, and the newer Matra / BAE Dyanmics "Missile d'Interception, de Combat d'Autodefense (MICA / Missile for Interception, Combat, & Self-Defense)".

The MICA was designed in parallel with the Rafale development effort. It is a highly agile, relatively long-range missile and comes in two versions, including the MICA IR, a heat-seeker, and the MICA EM (Electromagnetique), which has an active radar seeker. The MICA IR has a "launch before lock" capability allowing it to engage distant targets without giving much warning of its approach through a radar signal. The MICA EM is capable of "fire and forget" operation. In the air defense role, the Rafale can carry up to ten MICAs. Rafale will also very likely carry the long-range, ramjet-powered Matra / BAE Dynamics "Meteor Beyond Visual Range AAM (Meteor BVRAAM)" when that missile becomes available late in the decade.

While the aircraft can carry dumb bombs and unguided rocket pods, the push these days is towards smart munitions. The Rafale will carry US Paveway laser-guided bombs, using the Thales Damocles targeting pod, and the fighter will also carry the Matra-BAE Dynamics "Apache / Scalp" cruise missile. The Apache and Scalp are almost identical externally, with a boxy fuselage, pop-out "switchblade" wings, and a belly air intake, but the Apache carries a submunition warload while the Scalp carries a unitary penetrating warhead. The Apache will not actually be carried by French Rafales, being reserved for the Mirage 2000, but it will be an option for export Rafales.

The French have also introduced a new guided-bomb system, under the designation "Armament Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM / Modular Air To Surface Armament)". ASSM will provide modular components to fit dumb bombs with a Global Positioning System / Inertial Navigation System (GPS/INS) guidance kit, or a INS guidance kit with a "smart" imaging infrared seeker, either guidance system using a nose fin assembly to steer the bomb, as well as a tailfin assembly with a rocket booster and popout fins to increase span and range.

Another store that will be carried by the Rafale is the "Air Sol Moyenne Portee A (ASMPA / Air to Surface Medium Range A)" ramjet-powered, Mach 2.5, nuclear standoff missile. ASMPA is a follow-on to the current ASMP standoff missile carried by the Mirage 2000, with double the range. The Rafale is currently expected to obtain the ASMPA in 2009. An antiship variant of the ASMPA, the "ANF", is also being considered, but the Rafale will be qualified for the proven Exocet solid-fuel antiship missile in any case.

French Rafales will be able to carry the "Reconnaissance Nouvelle Generation (Reco NG)" digital reconnaissance pod, which will contain day-night electro-optical sensors, resident processing power, a solid-state recorder, and a high-speed datalink. The Reco NG is now in service for use on Mirage 2000N fighters, and will begin service with the Rafale in 2008.

The Rafale's rear centerline pylon and the two inner wing pylons on each wing are "wet" and can be used for carriage of external tanks. All five wet pylons can carry 1,150 liter (304 US gallon) fuel tanks or 1,250 liter (330 US gallon) supersonic fuel tanks. Up to three of the big bulbous-nosed 2,000 liter (528 US gallon) external tanks, much like those developed for the Mirage 2000 but lacking tailfins, can also be carried, with one on the centerline pylon and one on the inner wet pylon on each wing.

* The pilot sits on a Martin-Baker Mark 16F "zero-zero" (zero speed, zero altitude) ejection seat, inclined 29 degrees to improve pilot tolerance to gee forces, under a canopy that hinges open to the right. An "on-board oxygen generating system (OBOGS)" is provided to eliminate the need to stockpile oxygen canisters.

The pilot flies the aircraft with a sidestick controller mounted on the right side of the seat and a throttle on the left, with both studded with "hands on throttle and stick" controls. The Rafale will also provide "direct voice input (DVI)" capabilities, allowing the pilot to perform actions through spoken commands. The DVI system will have a vocabulary of 90 to 300 words, with first-time recognition 95% of the time. DVI will not be included in initial production Rafales.

The Rafale features a "glass cockpit" and a comprehensive combat avionics suite. The glass cockpit is startlingly austere and would probably come as a complete shock to a fighter pilot from the days of dials and indicators. It includes a wide-angle holographic "head up display (HUD)" to display most of the relevant information using sophisticated symbology, and two accessory color flat-panel multifunction displays (MFDs) with touch input overlays. Pilots will wear special silk-lined leather gloves with no seams on the fingertips to use the touch overlays, and the gloves will also have chamois pads for cleaning the screens. In addition, in full development, the pilot will have a Sagem Gerfaut helmet-mounted sight.

The avionics suite includes:

  • A multimode radar system, the Thales (previously Thomson-CSF) "Radar a Balayage Electronique 2 (RBE2)". It uses a phased array (electronically steered) antenna, has a range of up to 100 kilometers (60 miles), and is advertised as the first "look-down / shoot-down" airborne multimode phased-array radar developed in Europe.

    The RBE2 can track up to 40 targets and engage up to eight of them at once with the MICA EM, performing automatic "identification friend or foe (IFF)" interrogation when in dogfight mode. It also supports air-to-surface attack for both ground and naval targets, as well as navigation and automatic terrain following modes, and can operate in intense jamming environments.

    Functions such as terrain following can be used while tracking targets elsewhere. A "synthetic aperture radar (SAR)" mode is also being developed to provide a radar imaging capability for targeting and reconnaissance.

  • An optical sensor suite, the Thales / Sagem "Optronique Sector Frontale (OSF)" or "Frontal Sector Optronics (FSO)" system, mounted on the nose in front of the windscreen. A wide-angle "infrared search and track (IRST)" unit is mounted on the left, and a TV / laser rangefinder unit known as a "combat identification unit (CIU)" is mounted on the right. The CIU can track a target and display it on the pilot's HUD, with modes allowing it to automatically select targets.

  • A ring-laser gyro inertial navigation system with a GPS receiver.

  • A voice and data communications suite, including a secure "Have Quick" radio system and a "Link 16" tactical datalink.

  • The Thales / Matra BAE Dynamics "Self-Protection Equipment Countering Threats to Rafale Aircraft (SPECTRA)" defensive countermeasures system. SPECTRA includes radar, laser, and missile warning sensors, along with active jamming and four chaff-flare dispensers, and can automatically identify and categorize threats and take the necessary defensive actions.

    SPECTRA's elements are all built into the airframe, ensuring that all stores pylons are free for carriage of stores. Receiving antennas are mounted alongside the engine intakes and in a module on the top of the tailfin, with the module also incorporating laser warning sensors. Jammer antennas are also fitted in the canard mounts, and laser warning sensors are mounted on each side of the fuselage below the cockpit. The upward-firing chaff-flare launchers are fitted on the fuselage, just forward of the engine exhausts, in the wing roots.

    SPECTRA can record threat data obtained during a mission to provide electronic intelligence. Ultimately, Rafale datalink capabilities will allow multiple Rafales to use their SPECTRA systems cooperatively to pinpoint adversary emitters.

    It appears that Thales has been working on "active cancellation" technology for the SPECTRA system, with the jamming transmitters picking up a hostile radar and then feeding back the signals out-of-phase to cancel out the echo from the aircraft. The French have been quiet about this capability and it is probably a future item.

  • A mission computer, the "Modular Data Processing Unit (MDPU)", based on commercial components. The MDPU provides redundancy and high throughput, and features a modular design that makes it easy to update. It coordinates and controls all the aircraft's avionics. It also runs an integrated aircraft health monitoring and maintenance-data system, and performs "sensor fusion" to give the pilot a seamless view of what the aircraft's sensor systems see in the world around them.

* The Rafale B is very similar to the Rafale C, except of course for the tandem seats. The two seats are covered by a one-piece canopy that hinges open to the right. The Rafale B is fully equipped with operational kit, and the control layout for the front and back seats is as similar as possible to ensure maximum operational flexibility. It has an empty weight about 350 kilograms (772 pounds) greater than the Rafale C, and less internal fuel capacity.

The Rafale B was originally seen primarily as a conversion trainer, to be purchased in small quantities. It was believed that improvements in aircraft avionics would allow the pilot of the single-seat Rafale C to perform all operational missions. However, the Gulf War in 1991 demonstrated to the AdA that strike and reconnaissance missions often required two aircrew, and so the service then increased the proportion of two-seaters in their buy.

* The Rafale M is very similar to the Rafale C, the only really visible differences being taller, longer nose gear, with catapult attachment fixtures, and fit of a stinger-type arresting hook under the tail. The longer nose gear, which gives the Rafale M a nose-up attitude on the ground, required removal of the front centerline stores pylon.

The Rafale C and B actually do have a runway arresting hook, but it is much less prominent. The Rafale M requires a much more formidable since a carrier jet snags the cable at full throttle in case the landing is a "bolter" and the aircraft has to come around for another try.

Other changes to the Rafale M include a stronger airframe and main gear to withstand "smackdown" landings on carriers; a built-in, power-operated pilot boarding ladder; a carrier microwave landing system that makes landings procedure much easier than with earlier French carrier aircraft; and a "Telemir" inertial navigation system that can obtain position reference data from the carrier.

The modifications to the Rafale M added about 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) to its empty weight relative to the Rafale C. In the interests of commonality with other Rafale variants, the Rafale M does not have folding wings.



* Although the Rafale development program has gone well, the program has not gone quite so smoothly politically. The generally unexpected end of the Cold War caused complications for all the Western fourth-generation fighter efforts, resulting in program stretchouts and reduced buys.

First flight of a production Rafale, an Aeronavale Rafale M, was in July 1999, the same day the M02 prototype Rafale M landed on the new French aircraft carrier CHARLES DE GAULLE. The Aeronavale's requirements were regarded as more pressing than those of the AdA, since the Aeronavale's "first line" air combat fighter was the honored but antiquated Vought Crusader, while the AdA had the perfectly modern Mirage 2000.

Initial service deliveries of the Rafale M were in December 2001, with the first Aeronavale Rafale M squadron fully operational, on the CHARLES DE GAULLE, in the summer of 2002. As with the EuroFighter, the Rafale is going into service in a phased fashion:

  • The first Rafales to be delivered are configured to "F1" standard, which only includes capabilities for air-to-air combat and a baseline avionics suite. They armed with cannon and the Magic and MICA EM missiles.

    The first few production Rafale Ms, which were put into service in a relative hurry, were delivered in a "sub-F1" standard designated "LF1", which featured an older mission computer instead of the MDPU and lacked the built-in cannon. The LF1 machines have since been improved to F1 standard.

  • The "F2" standard, now being introduced, adds strike capabilities, including carriage of the Apache / Scalp cruise missile; provision of air-to-surface and terrain-following modes to the RBE2 radar; and brings the OSF sensors and Link 16 datalink on board. Along with the surface attack weapons, the F2 specification permits carriage of the MICA IR, replacing the Magic, and Rafale Ms will also be able to carry a buddy tanker pod.

  • The definitive "F3" standard, scheduled for introduction in 2008, will bring the Rafale up to full multirole operational capability, with implementation of all currently planned modes for the RBE2 radar, adding AASM capability, as well as missions such as nuclear strike, with the ASMPA; antiship attack with the Exocet or ANF; and reconnaissance with the Reco NG pod.

    The F3 standard will also add DVI, the Gerfaut helmet-mounted sight, and support for an improved tanker pack. All F1 and F2 standard Rafales will be brought up to F3 standard in the course of scheduled high-level maintenance. There is also some talk of fitting the uprated M88-3 engines.

An F4 standard is being considered but has not yet been defined.

The Aeronavale expects to receive its first F3-standard full multirole single-seat Rafale M in 2007. All 60 Aeronavale machines are expected to be delivered by 2012. Although the Aeronavale had planned that 35 of the 60 would be Rafale BM two-seaters, the Rafale BM was cancelled in late 2004 as an economy measure. Ironically, the planned uses of the money released by the cancellation included updates to Rafale systems that had become obsolete during the extended development cycle, as well as funding for the next Rafale production batch.

Initial delivery to the AdA, of a two-seat Rafale B, was in December 2000. By late 2004, 61 Rafales had been delivered to the AdA, with 27 of them being Rafale B two-seaters. Introduction to operational AdA squadron service, with aircraft to F2 standard, was in the summer of 2006. Some of the aircraft were placed on "quick reaction alert" to help defend against terrorist actions, and the AdA expects to fly their Rafales with the NATO Reaction Force. There were hints about deploying them to support French forces in Afghanistan as well.

The AdA expects to obtain 212 Rafales. Originally the plan had been for 60% of them to be two-seaters, but along with the cancellation of the Rafale BM in late 2004, the decision was made to only acquire two-seaters for conversion training and the nuclear strike mission, reducing the proportion of two-seaters to about 40%. Dassault officials believe that the improved software provided by the F2 and F3 standards will allow the single-seaters to perform complex missions without overwhelming the pilot.

* Dassault officials are considering next-generation improvements to the Rafale. One high-profile future option is next-generation computing systems and data links to allow a two-seat Rafale B to control unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for reconnaissance and strike support.

Reconnaissance UAVs would be able to identify targets and even designate them with a laser for attacks with guided munitions launched by the Rafale, or an armed UAV could perform the attacks directly. Communications between the Rafale and the UAVs could be performed over satellite links, and such communications links could also be used by the Rafale to obtain information from surveillance platforms, such as an AWACS or Joint-STARS aircraft.

Another improvement in planning is an "Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)" version of the RBE2 radar. An AESA can be thought of as an "RF array processor", made up of a grid of "transmit/receive (T/R)" modules that each have transmitter and receiver circuitry. The T/R modules operate together, with some modules being programmed to perform one set of functions, say to operate as a radar, while others simultaneously operate as, say, a jammer. In the summer of 2004, Thales was awarded a contract to develop an AESA antenna, with a demonstrator flying by the fall of that year. Dassault officials hope that AESA radar deliveries will begin as early as 2008. The F3 standard already includes support for an AESA.

* Dassault has banded together with Thales and SNECMA in the "Rafale International" business group, which is working on a Mark 2 export version of the fighter. Dassault has a 60% share in the group, while Thales and SNECMA both have a 20% share. The Rafale Mk.2 will have the uprated SNECMA M88-3 powerplant with 20% more thrust; improved ground attack software; the AESA RBE2 radar; and conformal fuel tanks.

So far, the Rafale has won no export orders. In 2002, Dassault lost the award for a South Korean competition to the Boeing F-15, which frustrated Dassault officials to the point where they considered for a time a legal challenge to the award. Ironically, Dassault is still having good luck with export sales of the cheaper Mirage 2000, with the latest versions of this proven fighter benefiting from technology developed for the Rafale.

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